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Transcript: Kayleigh McEnany's RNC remarks

Transcript Kayleigh McEnanys RNC remarks
Read White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany's speech from the 2020 Republican National Convention, as prepared for delivery:
I'm Kayleigh McEnany.
Most of you know me as a supporter of President Trump, but tonight I'm here to share with you how he supported me-- both as a new mom and as an American with a preexisting condition.
It was days before Christmas, and I was 21-years-old when I got a call that changed my life.
It was my doctor, informing me that I had tested positive for the BRCAII genetic mutation— a mutation that put my chances of breast cancer at 84%.
It was the same mutation that my mom had, compelling her to get a preventative mastectomy-- removing her breast tissue but protecting her from a disease that has taken far too many of our mothers, our sisters, our friends.
In my family, 8 women were diagnosed with breast cancer — several in their 20s.
I now faced the same prospect. For nearly a decade, I was routinely at my cancer hospital, getting MRIs and ultrasounds and participating in necessary surveillance.
During these visits, I crossed paths with brave women, battling cancer and fighting through chemotherapy. They were a testament to American strength. They are American heroes.
On May 1, 2018, I followed in my mother's footsteps, choosing to get a preventative mastectomy.
I was scared. The night before I fought back tears, as I prepared to lose a piece of myself.
But the next day, with my mom, dad, husband, and Jesus Christ by my side, I underwent a mastectomy, almost eliminating my chance of breast cancer— a decision I now celebrate.
During one of my most difficult times, I expected to have the support of my family, but I had more support than I knew.
As I came out of anesthesia, one of the first calls I received was from Ivanka Trump.
Days later, as I recovered, my phone rang. It was President Trump, calling to check on me.
I was blown away.
Here was the leader of the free world caring about me.
Though I didn't personally know the President at the time, I know him well now and I can tell you that this President loves the American people, stands by Americans with preexisting conditions, and supports working moms.
When I started working for President Trump, my husband and I became pregnant with our first child, I would see President Trump at rallies. He would routinely ask me how my baby was doing.
The same way President Trump has supported me, he supports you.
I see it every day.
I've heard him say the hardest part of his job is writing to loved ones of fallen soldiers.
I've seen him offer heartfelt outreach to grieving parents who lost their children to crime in the streets.
I've watched him fight for Americans who lost their jobs.
President Trump fights for the American People because he cares about stories like these.
Now, my daughter is 9-months-old. She's a beautiful, sweet little girl.
and I choose to work for this President for her.
When I look into my baby's eyes, I see a new life, a miracle for which I have a solemn responsibility to protect.
That means protecting America's future— a future President Trump will fight for
where our neighborhoods are protected.
where life is sacred.
where God is cherished-- not taken out of our schools, removed from our Pledge, and erased from our history.
I want my daughter to grow up in President Donald Trump's America.
Choosing to have a preventative mastectomy was the hardest decision I have made.
But supporting President Trump, who will protect my daughter & our children's future, was the easiest.
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