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Bolton book creates awkward moment for Florida GOP — DeSantis wants schools and state workers to help with election — Latino Victory ramps up efforts

Bolton book creates awkward moment for Florida GOP  DeSantis wants schools and state workers to help with election  Latino Victory ramps up efforts
Bolton book creates awkward moment for Florida GOP — DeSantis wants schools and state workers to help with election — Latino Victory ramps up efforts in Florida  Politico


Hello and welcome to Thursday.

The daily rundown — Between Tuesday and Wednesday, the number of Florida coronavirus cases increased by 2,610 (3.2 percent), to 82,719; hospitalizations went up 183 (nearly 1.5 percent), to 12,389; deaths rose by 25 (0.8 percent), to 3,018.

Excuse me So about that book by former national security adviser John Bolton…

Sledgehammer — In the last couple of years, you would be hard-pressed to find people who hold more fiercely hardline positions against China than Florida Republicans. And that antagonism has only accelerated in the fallout over the coronavirus pandemic and that nation’s secrecy around the disease. Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, for example, recently embarked on an effort to identify vendors owned or controlled by the Communist Party of China in case the state decides to withhold payment to these companies.

Exposure — Now comes Bolton’s memoir and the assertion that President Donald Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping for domestic political help to boost his electoral prospects in the midst of the two leaders’ trade war.

Games Without Frontiers — This creates a very awkward situation, especially for Florida’s two Republican senators. Sen. Marco Rubio, who has railed about China on a variety of topics, praised the decision by the Trump administration to hire Bolton. Sen. Rick Scott has also been highly critical of China and just this past weekend went on Australian television to talk about Chinese aggression.

Slowburn Chris Hartline, a Scott spokesman, said that “Senator Scott respects John Bolton, but hasn’t seen the details of the book. And we’re not going to speculate on rumors.” Rather than hear Bolton out, Patronis trashed him instead. “John Bolton should not undermine the country he served by releasing classified information to enrich himself and to raise his profile," Patronis said in a statement. "Americans can be proud of how President Trump has worked to hold China accountable.” (The Trump administration is suing to prevent the publication of Bolton's book.) As for Rubio? Well, stay tuned…

— WHERE'S RON? — Nothing official announced for Gov. DeSantis.


FINE PRINT — “Trump asked China for help getting reelected, Bolton book claims,” by POLITICO’s Caitlin Oprysko: President Donald Trump asked President Xi Jinping of China for domestic political help to boost his electoral prospects in the midst of the two leaders’ trade war last summer, according to the bombshell account of former national security adviser John Bolton in his forthcoming memoir. According to an excerpt of the memoir, published in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, Bolton alleges that Trump made the plea to help his standing with American farmers during a summit with Xi on the sidelines of the G-20 in Japan, a month after negotiations for a trade deal had stalled.

AND THEN THERE’S THIS — “Trump said invading Venezuela would be ‘cool’ and called Guaido a ‘kid’ in new Bolton book,” by Miami Herald’s Alex Daugherty: “A new book by President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser says the president waffled on his decision to recognize Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate leader over Nicolás Maduro within hours after the initial announcement went public in January 2019... At one point, Trump said invading Venezuela would be 'cool' and that the South American nation was 'really part of the United States,' according to Bolton’s account.”

GETTING LOUD — “‘Mockery of the pain’: Lawmakers clash during police reform hearing,” by POLITICO’s Kyle Cheney, Heather Caygle, John Bresnahan and Sarah Ferris: That dynamic turned heated when Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), a former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, accused the all-white Republican side of the dais of racial bias, "unconscious" or otherwise, and said they were making "a mockery of the pain that exists in my community." Richmond's remarks, which included a reference to his son, prompted an exchange with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who questioned how Richmond could be certain none of the Republicans on the panel had black children.

The exchange — "I already know there are people on the other side who have black grandchildren," Richmond replied. "It is not about the color of your kids. It is about black males, black people in the streets that are getting killed. And if one of them happens to be your kid I’m concerned about him too. And clearly I’m more concerned about him than you are." Gaetz shot back angrily, saying Richmond went over the line: "You’re claiming you’re more concerned for my family than I do? Who in the hell do you think you are?"

Laura Rodriguez is now VP for government affairs at the Center for American Progress. She most recently was chief of staff to Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-Fla.), and is a Bill Nelson and State Department alum. h/t D.C. Playbook

— “Scott’s new bill targets countries that hire Cuban doctors through official ‘mission,’” by El Nuevo Herald’s Nora Gamez Torres


GOVERNOR FINALLY WEIGHS IN — “DeSantis offers Election Day help as Republicans say they’ll cast ballots in person,” by POLITICO’s Gary Fineout: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday took steps to help localities prepare for what could be high voter turnout this year, but stopped short of extending early voting or letting counties consolidate polling places in the battleground amid signs that President Donald Trump's disparagement of mailed ballots could be resonating with Republican voters. DeSantis called on schools to close during the August primary and November general election to make room for what might be record voter turnout. He also issued an executive order that makes it easier for state employees to work at the polls on Election Day.

The response But the DeSantis administration on Wednesday didn't act on several suggestions from supervisors, including a request to extend the number of early voting days and consolidate polling places… “It’s very helpful, I’m glad we got a response,” Leon County Supervisor of Elections Mark Earley said. “It gives us something to work with.” Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo said the governor's moves didn't go far enough. “It’s disappointing the governor will not honor those who fought and died for us to have the right to vote by ensuring that Floridians do not have to endanger themselves to exercise their right to vote,” Rizzo said in a text message.

RALPH TO THE RESCUE — As Democrats worry about Joe Biden’s outreach to Hispanic voters, the independent Latino Victory Project is announcing today that it has added top Miami trial lawyer and Ralph Patino to its board along with Capricia Marshall, Ambassador-in-Residence at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center at the Atlantic Council. Their goal: raise about $4 million in less than five months to turn out Hispanic voters in Florida, primarily in the Miami and Orlando areas, where activists fret that there’s little tangible sign of Biden’s campaign. Patino, a member of the Democratic National Finance Committee, established himself as a top Florida moneyman in 2012 when he helped raise $36 million for the DNC as part of the Futuro Fund, along with actress Eva Longoria and Henry Muñoz, former DNC finance chair.

WHAT THE GAMBLERS ARE READING — “The smart money is on Val Demings,” by The Bulwark’s Jonathan V. Last: “I’m goint to do something IV’e never done here before and probably won’t do again. So bear with me. I got a long — crazy long — email from a reader about Biden’s VP choice. This reader is a professional gambler who bets on political outcomes for a living.”

…. Democratic Florida Senate candidate Patricia Sigman has picked up the endorsement of EMILY’s List. She is running in a closely-watched race against former Republican state Rep. Jason Brodeur for Seminole County’s Senate District 9, which is being vacated by term limited Republican David Simmons. It’s seen as up for grabs, so getting attention from both parties.

Here is full list of EMILY’s list endorsed Florida candidates: Loranne Ausley (SD-03); Patricia Sigman (SD-09); Allison Tant (HD-09); Kayser Enneking (HD-21); Joy Goff-Marcil (HD-30); Geraldine Thompson (HD-44); Anna Eskamani (HD-47); Jennifer Webb (HD-69); Delores Hogan Johnson (HD-84); Felicia Robinson (HD-102); Cindy Polo (HD-103); Robin Bartleman (HD-104); Maureen Porras (HD-105); Dotie Joseph (HD-108); Franccesca Cesti-Browne (HD-115)

RESPONDING — “Lawyers for deputies accused of police brutality want Sheriff Gregory Tony’s ‘Accountable’ ad off the air,” by Sun Sentinel’s Skyler Swisher: “Lawyers representing three men accused of police brutality are taking issue with Sheriff Gregory Tony’s first television campaign ad, accusing him of tainting potential jurors and trying to “weaponize” their cases to aid his re-election efforts.”

— “Florida Democrats launch new website to attack Buchanan’s health care record,” by Bradenton Herald’s Ryan Callihan


STILL RISING — “Florida officials worried about spike in coronavirus cases,” by Associated Press’ Tamara Lush: “Because of this, some mayors are considering tightening restrictions on places where younger folks gather — namely, bars and restaurants. Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez announced Wednesday that due to a rise in COVID-19 cases there will be increased enforcement to shut down businesses not following rules put in place to safely reopen during the pandemic. St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman said Wednesday that all employees who have contact with the public will be required to wear masks — something that some South Florida cities hard hit by the virus have been doing for weeks. He’s also crafting a second ordinance that would require residents to wear masks when inside businesses or other public spaces.”

— “St. Petersburg to require businesses to make employees wear masks,” by Tampa Bay Times’ Josh Solomon

— “Miami-Dade COVID numbers worsen. Mayor: People 'too comfortable' ignoring mask rules,” by Miami Herald’s Douglas Hanks

PUSHING BACK — “Farmworkers: DeSantis remarks ‘shameful,’” by News Service of Florida’s Ana Ceballos: “Farm workers are pushing back after Gov. Ron DeSantis said clusters of 'overwhelmingly Hispanic' day laborers and agriculture workers are the source for Florida’s recent surge in coronavirus cases.”

DISCONNECT — “DeSantis said recent worker tests at Orlando International had 52% positive rate. Airport says it was 0.4%,” by Orlando Sentinel’s Jeff Weiner: “Gov. Ron DeSantis said something Tuesday that might have startled those with upcoming Central Florida travel plans: 500 workers at a local airport were recently tested for COVID-19, with 260 coming back positive — a rate of 52%. DeSantis didn’t specify at the time which airport he was talking about. But the region’s biggest airport on Wednesday issued a statement that says the governor’s positive rate was way off.”

EVERY 2 WEEKS — “Florida boosts COVID-19 testing for long-term care workers,” by News Service of Florida’s Christine Sexton: “Staff members at nursing homes and assisted living facilities will be required to be tested for COVID-19 every two weeks under a pair of emergency rules issued Wednesday by Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration. Facilities that don’t comply with the emergency rules could have their licenses revoked or suspended and face administrative fines.”

OVER — “Across Polk, utility breaks for COVID are ending,” by Lakeland Ledger’s Suzie Schottelkotte: “As Polk County moves toward reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic, power providers across the county are beginning to impose cutoffs for delinquent accounts and eliminate temporary cuts to electric bills. In April, as many workers faced pay cuts and layoffs as a result of the pandemic, most power providers suspended cutoffs and initiated measures to reduce customer bills.”

TO COURT — “UF fights lawsuit over student refunds,” by News Service of Florida’s Jim Saunders: “The University of Florida board of trustees is asking a federal judge to toss out a potential class-action lawsuit that contends the school should be required to refund tuition and fees to students after closing its campus in March because of the coronavirus pandemic.”

— “NASA’s next Mars rover honors medical teams fighting virus,” by Associated Press Marcia Dunn


HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL — “DeSantis was ‘unaware’ of FDOT’s signature policy,” by POLITICO Florida’s Matt Dixon: Gov. Ron DeSantis didn't know that his transportation department had rank-and-file attorneys sign controversial documents as a way to shield the governor from potential political blowback. The governor’s office "is completely unaware of this and it is absolutely not a policy approved or practiced by the [Executive Office of the Governor],” DeSantis spokesperson Helen Aguirre Ferré said.

… SOME BACKGROUND hereon this issue and the Florida Department of Transportation’s policy of using young lawyers as shields to block top DeSantis administration officials from getting political blowback.

— “Bar probes FDOT lawyer who admits forging signatures on reports. He kept his $132k job,” by Miami Herald’s Kevin G. Hall

ON THE CLOCK — “DeSantis receives 2020-21 state budget for review,” by News Service of Florida’s Jim Turner: “Florida’s proposed $93.2 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins in two weeks, landed on Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk Wednesday. The Legislature’s delivery of the budget came a day after DeSantis warned that he will use his line-item veto power to slash the spending plan to help address a coronavirus-fueled loss in tax revenues.”

A PROBLEM? — “DeSantis’ plans to rework state’s $93.2B budget could violate constitution,” by Orlando Sentinel’s Gray Rohrer: “Gov. Ron DeSantis’ plan to balance the $92.3 billion state budget with federal dollars and vetoes could violate Florida’s Constitution because it would shut out the Legislature from the process. DeSantis said Tuesday a special session likely won’t be needed to rework the spending plan, despite the massive drops in revenue brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.”

CONNECTIONS One of Tallahassee’s high-powered lobbying/law firms is hosting an event today on school reopenings that features not one, but two top aides in state government who don’t normally make public appearances. GrayRobinson is holding a “virtual pop up form” that will include Chris Spencer, the director of policy (and defacto budget director) for Gov. Ron DeSantis as well as J. Alex Kelly, the chief of staff for the Florida Department of Education. It will also feature Hillsborough County School Superintendent Addison Davis. The event will also include Dean Cannon, President and CEO, GrayRobinson and Kim McDougal, a senior government affairs consultant for the firm.


‘STRATEGICALLY PLANTED’ — “Misinformation overwhelms Miami-Dade school district ahead of vote on anti-racism lessons,” by Miami Herald’s Colleen Wright: “The Miami-Dade County School Board was the target of a viral misinformation campaign that tried to stoke fears of a board member’s proposal to explore an anti-racism curriculum in the public schools. School board members said they received hundreds of calls and written comments filled with falsehoods, with many echoing the same misinformation on social media and radio waves... Posts on Facebook and WhatsApp referenced by School Board members and found by the Miami Herald were full of untruths and boogeymen. They said the board wanted to incorporate a class called 'Institutional Racism' based on the principles of Black Lives Matter. They included phone numbers for board members and an email address to send comments.”

‘NOT A LOT OF OPPORTUNITIES’ — “Subject of race a challenge for coach in isolated town,” by Associated Press’ Steven Wine: “A wide spot in the road running alongside Lake Okeechobee, Pahokee is a low-income, predominantly black town with two traffic lights and no chain restaurants, 40 miles and a world away from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. As the first-year football coach at Pahokee High School last fall, D.J. Boldin led a 48-player roster. ‘The only Hispanics on the team were kickers,’ Boldin says. ‘Talk about setting a stereotype. I did not have a white player on my team.’”

GONE — “MTV cuts Alex Kompothecras from ‘Siesta Key’ over ‘racist social media posts,’” by Sarasota Herald-Tribune’s Wade Tatangelo: “Alex Kompothecras — star of the MTV reality show “Siesta Key” that’s set in Sarasota County — has been cut by the cable channel due to alleged racist social media posts. Kompothecras, who grew up with his parents on Siesta Key where much of the show has taken place at their beachfront mansion, was dismissed Tuesday at the same time the premiere episode of season three’s second half aired.”

LAND GRAB — “For Florida pot companies, a license grab, then more chaos,” by POLITICO Florida’s Arek Sarkissian: When Florida legalized medical marijuana, lawmakers vowed to tightly control the drug and its sellers. Instead, they unleashed a land grab as wealthy speculators paired with local farms in a race to get their hands on a limited number of lucrative licenses. Chestnut Hill Tree Farm in 2015 was among the first five companies in the state to win a coveted dispensing organization license from the Florida Department of Health under the state’s low-THC law, and ultimately profited handsomely.

BIG TEST — “Anti-Semitic posts by new FSU student Senate president will test 2019 law,” by POLITICO’s Andrew Atterbury: Florida State University has found its student government mired in another controversy this month as the school faces demands for the new student Senate president's removal over anti-Semitic social media posts that surfaced shortly after he took office.

CHANGES — “City Councilman files to rename Hemming Park,” by Florida Times-Union’s Clayton Freeman: “City Councilman Garrett Dennis filed legislation Wednesday to rename Hemming Park downtown in honor of James Weldon Johnson. Dennis, the council’s representative for District 9, made the announcement on what would have been Johnson’s 149th birthday.”

DEBATE RAGES — “Haile Plantation residents debate name change,” by Gainesville Sun’s Cindy Swirko: “Since the Haile Plantation subdivision was developed late 1970s, it has been a suburban address of choice for many. Few knew its history — at least initially. The land really was a plantation that enslaved people who did much of the work for the Haile family.”

INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK — “Florida bridge at risk of ‘imminent collapse,’ traffic limited and boats cannot pass under,” by NBC New’s Elisha Fieldstadt: “A Florida bridge has been partially closed and boats were stopped from sailing under it after officials discovered a crack and warned of its "imminent collapse." On Wednesday, authorities received a report that "portions of concrete fell off the Roosevelt Bridge" and on to the Dixie Highway in Stuart, Florida, according to a statement shared by the Stuart Police Department.”

— “School board votes to rename JJ Finley Elementary School,” by Gainesville Sun’s Sarah Nelson

— “Charlie Ely freed from prison,” by Ocala Star Banner’s Austin L. Miller


OH GREAT — “With storms in May, lawmaker wants longer hurricane season,” by Associated Press’ Mike Schneider: “Even though the six-month Atlantic hurricane season lasts as long as a typical Major League Baseball season, a Florida congresswoman thinks it needs to be longer. Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy on Wednesday sent a letter to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration requesting that the start of the official hurricane season be in mid-May.”

— ‘We are in uncharted waters’: FPL executives talk hurricane preparation amid a global pandemic,” by Treasure Coast Newspapers Max Chesnes


— “Plan to release genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida gets go-ahead,” by The Guardian’s Oliver Milman: “A plan to release a horde of 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida and Texas is a step closer to fruition after a state regulator approved the idea, over the objections of many environmentalists.”

— “Spring was second-hottest on record in Southwest Florida,” by Fort Myers News-Press’ Chad Gillis

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