York Region Animal Centre needs volunteers for classroom program

As the kids head back to school, the Ontario SPCA York Region Animal Centre is recruiting volunteers to join its team of AnimalSmart volunteers to deliver humane education to local classrooms.
The Ontario SPCA offers free AnimalSmart presentations for grades 1 to 8 in its animal centre communities, with the goal to foster empathy, promote responsibility and inspire a connection with animals. A new theme is launching this fall, Animals in the Community, and more volunteers are needed.
“Hearing the students’ enthusiasm when they talk about their pets, seeing their faces when they realize that animals have emotions, too, and listening to how they can be caring to animals is very fulfilling to me,” says AnimalSmart volunteer Cory Philip, who has presented to 17 classes, reaching over 325 students. “It gives me hope when young children talk about being kind to animals as an extension of being kind to each other.”
As a registered charity, the Ontario SPCA depends on the support of volunteers to make programs like AnimalSmart possible. Volunteers don't need to be teachers or have a background in education; they will receive one-on-one coaching, as well as in-classroom mentoring with an experienced educator.
“We want to create a brighter future for animals, which is why it’s so important to show kids how special animals are and how to treat animals with respect and kindness,” says Nina Alexander, humane education manager, Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. “The Ontario SPCA’s AnimalSmart™ program is a fun and engaging way to get kids thinking about animals and what they need to be happy and healthy.”
If you’re passionate about animals, want to make a difference in your community and enjoy working with and inspiring children, click here to learn more about becoming a volunteer.