Paulina Gretzky Pre-PGA Bender, Heidi Klum Lingerie Shoot With ...

Happy Mother’s Day Monday to all the great moms out there, including Heidi Klum and Paulina Gretzky!
Yes — it’s a day late and dollar short, but Nightcaps rests on the weekends — for now — so it’s technically our Sunday around here.
Probably a good thing we were off over the weekend, too, because it was pretty damn quiet out there. You know, until Ja Morant got a little trigger happy and Bryce Harper blew a fuse. Talk about ending your Mother’s Day Sunday with a bang!
Let’s see, what else happened over the past few days, shall we? Oh yeah, I officially reopened my beer recruitment after being locked into Busch Light for several years. That’s right. I actually went to the Publix — America’s supermarket — and bought a 12-pack of Yuengling Flight.
I don’t just talk the talk, you know.
We also had the world’s luckiest golf shot find the bottom of the cup and it’s Jackson Mahomes’ birthday!
Can’t imagine what that celebration’s like.
Let’s start with a couple OutKick OGs though in Heidi Klum and LIV Queen Paulina Gretzky. Stick with what got ya to the dance, they say.
Grab a Flight and settle in as we start our week’s off right.

What a rhyme!
Our girl Paulina Gretzky has been on somewhat of a bender recently after a few quiet weeks, and of course I’m here for it. She crushed Singapore earlier this month, crushed the tennis courts last week and, apparently, crushed the Big Apple over the weekend.
Did she post a weird Instagram video of her trip, complete with her using a phone with no cord? Sure. But we don’t tune into Paulina’s Instagram account for the phone.
Dustin Damn Johnson by one BILLION this weekend at Oak Hill. He’s already a winner in life, of course, but a little Paulina Gretzky motivation goes a long way.
Look out.
Heidi Klum celebrates Mother’s Day with some great memories!Hey! Did Paulina kinda-sorta bring back that doozy of a dress for her big weekend in NYC? Looks pretty similar to me.
Speaking of dusting off an oldie, Heidi Klum continued her own Instagram heater by wishing herself a Happy Mother’s Day with an Instagram story featuring a throwback picture of her and daughter Leni setting the world on fire with a duel lingerie photoshoot.

What great memories! And to think, I just got my mom some crappy flowers, a box of chocolates and some cheap Publix wine.
Heidi, for those who don’t remember, got TORCHED when this photoshoot ran last fall, with some haters questioning whether it was appropriate for a mother and daughter to pose in underwear together.
I think Heidi’s Mother’s Day callback is a resounding ‘YES.’
Jackson Mahomes turns 23 day before court appearanceIt’s a yes from Heidi and a ‘Happy Birthday!’ from all of us here at Outkick to one Jackson Mahomes.
What a year 22 was, too. He won another championship, surpassed 1 million followers on TikTok and got arrested for sexual assault.
One of those things is not like the other.
Jackson turns 23 today — one day before he’s set to appear in court after getting arrested earlier this month on charges of aggravated sexual battery stemming from restaurant footage from earlier this year.
Mahomes was arrested May 3, but was released on bond and has surely been spending quality time at home with his loved ones. He HASN’T been on TikTok since the arrest, which has been really tough for all of us.
I mean, how are we supposed to go through life without getting one of these gems every few days?
I turned to Yuengling Flight this weekend in my new beer questHBD, Jax!
By the way, 1,0000000% chance Jackson Mahomes drinks Bud Light. No doubt about it. I don’t — and never did. Stuff has always sucked.
I did, however, drink Busch Light. Well, I still do — I can’t just let all the 24-racks in my garage go to waste. I won’t let Dylan Mulvaney take those from me.
But I have been on the prowl for a new go-to beer. I like Miller Lite, so that’s an obvious one. I’ve also been dabbling in Yuengling, which is delicious.
Problem is, Yuengling is a little too heavy for me to just crush all day on a Saturday. It’s a billion degrees here in Florida, and I stopped running years ago. I can’t just be inhaling liquid calories all day. I need to at least try to curb it best I can.
Which brought me to Yuengling’s newest light brew in the Publix beer section on Saturday.
It wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t my favorite.
I’d still put Busch Light way above it, and Miller Lite a good ways ahead, too. I reckon I’ll give Yuengling Light a try next, although I’m not sure what could possibly be different between a Light and a Flight besides one letter?
If you couldn’t tell, I’m still very much open to suggestions. And don’t come at me with, Bro, you have to try an IPA or craft beer.
No, I don’t. It’s a billion degrees in Florida from now until October. I’m already sweating just thinking about an IPA. I don’t need a Chocolate porter, either. I’m set with my light beer.
Zapping bugs and sinking puttsYou know what also happens when it’s a billion degrees out in Florida? The insects FEAST. I can’t open a door at my house right now for more than two seconds without an entire family of flies taking over my living room for the foreseeable future.
It’s why I invested in one of those handy-dandy electric fly zappers a few years ago, and it’s been life-changing. Seriously, if you don’t have one, get it. I’ll Venmo you the $7.99.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? Lucky for you, this fella in Louisiana gave us a video tutorial over the weekend!
From his Instagram:
Never grow up… Also, to be clear, this was not a serious attempt to solve a problem. It was just a joke and a silly experiment. The local fire department asked me to say “do not try this at home!”
Nothing silly about that, partner. Love the creativity. Hell, I may try that tonight. Don’t ever apologize for being an innovator …
… or, for being lucky as hell!
Paige Spiranac ready for PGA ChampionshipI can’t get a chip to fall to save my life and this guy buries that off the wall. Unreal. No shot that took only one take, but I’m a dreamer so I’ll buy it.
Here’s Paige Spiranac giving out PGA Championship bets on our way out. Yes, I know — low hanging fruit. But I had the stomach bug this weekend and I’m tired, so you get what you get.
Let’s have a week.
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
Are Paulina Gretzky and Heidi Klum the best moms ever or what? Email me at