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Fans Are Worried About Lia Marie Johnson After Instagram ...

Fans Are Worried About Lia Marie Johnson After Instagram

Fans Are Worried About Lia Marie Johnson After Instagram Livestream

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Source: Instagram
By Sara Belcher

1 hour ago

Fans of the Fine Brothers' React series know Lia Marie Johnson. She's made countless appearances in the brothers' Kids React and Teen React videos, going on to create her own YouTube channel and release music.

But after leaving her YouTube channel, claiming that the influencer life was "never for [her], it was for everyone else," she's made a series of Instagram livestreams that have concerned fans, displaying erratic behavior and appearing to be on drugs.

Lia Marie Johnson started trending on Twitter after her Jan. 2 Instagram livestream.

After a livestream in the early morning hours on Jan. 2, Lia started trending on Twitter as fans tweeted out their concern for her. In the livestream, she allegedly can be seen kissing and being groped by a man who people are assuming is her producer, after she appeared clearly under the influence. The lighting of the video is dark, so it's hard to confirm who the man in the video is.

Source: Instagram

In the video, you can hear a man whisper to her, “Are you on Instagram? No, you’re not – you can’t be on Instagram. Are you really on Instagram? Because that would be bad," clearly indicating that something is not right about the situation.

Immediately after hearing those comments, fans started to voice their concerns in the comments of the stream asking if she needed help. Some said that the police should be called to do a wellness check, as she was clearly under the influence.

"Do not send the police to my f--king address," Lia said in the stream, as the man in the background pleads with her to "Turn it off. Turn it off."

Lia tells him no before he whispers again "Lia, I need this not to go out, this could affect my work, please turn it off" before the livestream ends.

Police were called to her house.

Even though Lia told her viewers not to call the police, in a livestream shortly after the first one, she says that the police did make an appearance at her house, where they briefly detained her. 

“The cops showed up and detained me, put cuffs on my hands," she said in the stream, according to Hollywood Life. "So, I would really appreciate it if everyone … stopped worrying so much. There’s no reason to worry, I’m okay. I just want to be left alone.”

She experiences a range of emotions during the stream. After asking to be left alone, she then tells her viewers that she's going to be “f--king off out of everyone’s lives like you want me to.”

Since the end of the streams, fans have been flooding the comments on her Instagram page, asking if she's OK. 

did i... just watch... lia marie johnson on instagram live HIGH as fuck and getting fondled by her old ass boomer producer... who got pissed off and took her phone when he realized she was live... like did that actually just happen... h e l p

— alison (@alisuhhhn) January 2, 2020
This isn't the first time her livestreams have raised concern.

While her Jan. 2 livestream unsettled many viewers, this isn't the first time fans have noticed her clearly drugged demeanor on her streams. Back in May, Lia made another live stream where she talked about her bad back, with her emotions changing rapidly.

In the video, she laughs hysterically while talking to the camera before bursting into tears randomly.

Drama channel Keemstar tweeted out a clip from her livestream where she says the influencer life isn't for her, calling it "powerful," before acknowledging in a follow-up tweet that she's "on drugs... but still."

All of the livestreams Lia has made recently have been removed from her Instagram page, and she has made no further public comment on the situation.

If you or someone you know needs help, use SAMHSA’s Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator to find support for mental health and substance use disorders in your area:, or call 1-800-662-4357 for 24-hour assistance.

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