Toronto Raptors NBA Trade Deadline Updates: Feb 5

This blog is being written in the style of an old school MSN messenger chat. People born after the year 2000 may not understand... not sorry.
Important note: Not actually talking to the real Toronto Raptors, I am using my imagination to predict their response.
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_WAKE UP!!!!!
Toronto Raptors: hey
Toronto Raptors: sup
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_nm, hbu?
Toronto Raptors: nm
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_you gnna do anything?
Toronto Raptors: wym?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_the trade deadline is tmrw
Toronto Raptors: k, and?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_when r u gnna start trading ppl?
Toronto Raptors: idk
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_k, but ur gnna trade ppl evntlly right?
Toronto Raptors: i might
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_bruce brown and chris boucher r on expiring contracts, you rmbr that?
Toronto Raptors: ye.
Toronto Raptors: maybe
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_k, what about kelly olynyk?
Toronto Raptors: what bout him?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_r u gna trade him??????????!!!!!
Toronto Raptors: oh, idk
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_u kno that if you keep brown & boucher past the deadline they will prob sign w other teams and u wont get anything back 4 them, right??
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_dont u want picks????????
Toronto Raptors: I want brandon ingram
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_k but what bout picks?
Toronto Raptors: I want andrew wiggins
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_kaaayyyyyyy but what bout picks?????!!!!
Toronto Raptors is typing...
Toronto Raptors is typing...
Toronto Raptors is typing...
Toronto Raptors: who do u like?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_I LIKE COOPER FLAGG AND ACE BAILEY
Toronto Raptors: hehe nice want me 2 talk 2 them 4 u?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_yea, actually I do
Toronto Raptors: im kinda busy rn
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_calling other teams bout picks right?
Toronto Raptors: no i gtta play the grizz
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_kay, but after that ur gnna trade sum ppl right?
Toronto Raptors: ye im gnna msn the lakerz
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_wait, y?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_ur not gnna trade jakob poeltl r u?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_R U?????????????!!!!!!!!!
Toronto Raptors is typing...
Toronto Raptors set their status to “away”
Toronto Raptors set their status to “available”
Toronto Raptors: what?
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_when r u gnna tell shams who u r trading for?
Toronto Raptors: none of ur bizness
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_k, r u gnna lose 2 the grizz tn tho?
Toronto Raptors: idk
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_if u want cooper or ace you gtta lose more
Toronto Raptors: ur the one who likes them
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_k but u should 2
Toronto Raptors: idk, winning is fun
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_kewl, but winning a championship is funner
Toronto Raptors: k
Toronto Raptors: gtg darko is making me go play the grizz
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_k bye
Toronto Raptors: bye
Toronto Raptors has logged off.
**chelsea_raptorsfan5ever_pls do smthng.