"Quid pro quo, where you gonna go, when the volcano blows"

The term quid pro quo has dominated the political news lately. I was a little confused about the meaning of quid pro quo.
Sounded like it was either referring to President Trump’s hair stylist or former Vice President Joe Biden’s favorite Ukrainian seafood dish.
I felt it actually meant “this for that,” but turns out it has multiple meanings, such as:
- the process of putting your debit card in a gas pump and you get gasoline imported from a foreign country;
-the marital term for when your wife promises to to get clothes out of the dryer if you unload the washing machine and she falls asleep without fulfilling the deal;
-Latin term for damp underwear;
-a menu item at a fancy new restaurant on the square in Oxford;
-the name of the only repairman in North Mississippi who can do warranty work on your new Samsung 85-inch QLED television with ambient light;
- the name of the small town in China where you have to special order a part for your broken Samsung 85-inch QLED television;
-the term used after Quid lost his amateur status;
- a term used for your computer password when your computer no longer will accept your name and birth date password;
- a menu item at a sushi bar that’s still moving when the waitress brings it to the table;
- currency used in Thailand, New Mexico and around El Paso;
- the grade of oil you put in a rickshaw;
- instead of screaming “Omaha,” it’s Peyton Manning’s new check-off term at the line of scrimmage;
-the name of a Los Angeles workout spa that will sculpt your quo;
- the name of Miley Cyrus’ new boyfriend;
- the name of the 2020 Pirates of the Caribbean movie;
- the hardest clue in the new “National Treasure” movie;
-it’s Status Quo’s "cousin Eddie;"
-don’t know the meaning but it’s worth 28 points in Scrabble;
- the name of the new Harry Potter villain;
- the name of a private jet company in the Ukraine;
- the Chinese spelling of “Hunter Biden;”
- the name of Jackie Chan’s hamburger chain;
- the name of the new parking garage at Oxford;
- the name of Captain Quint’s grandson in Jaw’s V;
- an unregulated energy drink;
- the name of the newest attraction at Sea World in Orlando;
- the settlement that Salvatore Phillip “Sonny” Bono got when he divorced Cher;
- the name of the singing group which will headline the 2020 Super Bowl;
- the species of goldfish that the Clampetts stocked in the cement pond;
- I’m not sure but I know that Adam Schiff doesn’t know either.
Wait, wait I remember, it’s lyrics to a Jimmy Buffett song.
“Quid, pro quo, where you gonna go, when the volcano blows…."