Remembrance Day 2022: A guide to events in Metro Vancouver

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Pay tribute to Canada's soldiers, past and present, at one of these Remembrance Day events happening around Metro Vancouver on Nov. 11.

Remembrance Day, held to honour those who have fought for Canada, is on Friday. Many cities across Metro Vancouver will be holding in-person ceremonies this year for the first time since the pandemic hit in 2020.
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For a fascinating glimpse into life as a soldier in World War 1, read reporter John Mackie’s story here.
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And reporter Gordon McIntyre explores a new program offering coding and cybersecurity opportunities for veterans in his story.
To help plan your day, here is a look at what’s happening in the region on Nov. 11, 2022:
This year’s Remembrance Day ceremonies in Vancouver begin at 10:30 a.m. and include choirs and soloists, prayers and speeches, two minutes of silence at 11 a.m., laying of wreaths and a parade following the services at about 11:20 a.m.
Date: Nov. 11, 2022Time: 10:30-11:30 a.m.Location: Victory Square, 200 West Hastings St.
You can also watch a live-stream on the City of Vancouver Facebook page.
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The Richmond Remembrance Day ceremony will return in person this year at city hall on Friday, at the cenotaph located on the east side of Richmond City Hall, 6911 No. 3 Road.
Official ceremonies will begin at 10:40 a.m. There will be two minutes of silence at 11 a.m., followed by wreath laying.
City hall will be closed to the public. Portable washrooms will be installed at various locations surrounding the parade route.
For those unable to attend in person, it will be live-streamed online starting at 10:40 a.m. A link will be provided at
The Surrey Remembers ceremony will be held at Veterans Square, located at 17710 – 56A Avenue, starting at 10 a.m. and running until 1 p.m.
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The ceremony will be live streamed from the Heritage Surrey Facebook page.
Both Museum of Surrey and the Surrey Archives will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. While at the museum, visit the Duty, Honour and Izzat exhibit, an exhibition commemorating the Indian efforts on the centennial anniversary of World War 1.
DeltaThe South Delta Remembrance Day ceremony will be held from 10:40 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. at the Ladner Cenotaph at
The Port Moody Legion will honour veterans and their families with a parade, featuring more than 500 Cadets, Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies, veterans, first responders, and Legion members. It starts at 10 a.m. at Kyle Centre and will end at the cenotaph on Spring Street for the official act of remembrance and two-minute silence, followed by the laying of the wreaths.
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St. Johns Street will only be closed during the parade procession, and then will reopen.
Coquitlam also has a traditional Remembrance Day ceremony and parade, hosted by the Coquitlam Royal Canadian Legion Branch 263.
It begins at 9:30 a.m., at Como Lake Middle School and will continue with a parade to the Blue Mountain Park Cenotaph.
On Nov. 9, there will be a paint-a-poppy event at Spirit Square, across the Street from Coquitlam City Hall. People can also write a message of remembrance and tie it to a tree with yellow ribbon along Veteran’s Way in Blue Mountain Park.
The messages are kept on the trees until Nov. 18 at which point they will be transcribed and forwarded to Canadian veteran groups. If you are unable to go in person, you can email your message to It will be transcribed and tied to a tree for you.
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This Remembrance Day, The Port Coquitlam Royal Canadian Legion Branch 133 will hold its annual Remembrance Day service to honour veterans.
Date: Nov. 11, 2022Time: 10 a.m. serviceLocation: Veterans Park
Road closures will be in effect on Fri. Nov. 11 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.:
- Shaughnessy St. from Wilson Ave. to Elgin Ave.
- Leigh Square Pl. east of Shaughnessy St.
- Donald St. from Wilson Ave. to McAllister Ave.
- McAllister Ave. east of Shaughnessy St. to Mary Hill Rd.
White Rock’s Remembrance services begin with a parade starting at Roper Avenue and Johnston Road then Pacific Avenue and ending at the cenotaph. There will be refreshments and entertainment at the White Rock Legion after, while kids and families can go to the Salvation Army on Best Street for hot dogs and drinks.
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Date: Nov. 11, 2022Time: 10:40 a.m. parade; 11 a.m. ceremonyLocation: Cenotaph in front of White Rock City Hall, 15322 Buena Vista Ave.
New Westminster
Considered one of the regions largest Remembrance Day ceremonies, it was on hold during the pandemic. However it returns this year, and includes a parade beforehand starting at Queen’s Avenue and Sixth Street. Here’s the rundown:
Date: Friday, Nov. 11, 2022Time: 10:15 a.m. parade, 10:30 a.m. serviceWhere: New West City Hall cenotaph
Live stream will be available at
Road closure will include Royal Avenue from McBride Boulevard to Eighth Street. Pattullo Bridge traffic from Royal Avenue will be detoured along Eighth Street and Sixth Avenue to access the bridge from McBride Boulevard.
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Here’s a map showing the road closure:

Two Remembrance Day services will take place in Burnaby at Confederation Park and Bonsor Park, with parades to both locations beginning at 10:30 a.m.
The ceremony in north Burnaby will be hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #148, and will take place at the cenotaph in Confederation Park. A parade to the cenotaph will begin from McGill Library at 10:30 a.m.
The ceremony in south Burnaby will be hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #83, and will take place at the cenotaph in Bonsor Park. A parade to the cenotaph will begin from Fire Hall #3 at 10:30 a.m.
City closures on Remembrance Day
Burnaby City Hall will be closed on Nov. 11. City arts facilities will also be closed. Some recreation facilities will remain open – visit the facility’s web page to confirm.
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The city of North Vancouver’s event will be held at Victoria Park for the Remembrance Day service and parade.
The ceremony will take place at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park, followed by the traditional Veteran’s Parade.
For this year’s ceremony, the city will honour the military service members who lost their lives in the raid of Dieppe as 2022 marks the 80th anniversary of that tragic day.
All members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. For those unable to attend in-person, a livestream link will be available on the North Shore Veterans Council website.
The District of North Vancouver, which is a separate municipality, holds its Remembrance Day event at Cates Park, located at 4141 Dollarton Highway.
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West Vancouver’s event starts at 10:45 a.m. for the Remembrance Day parade and ceremony.
The parade will start on Marine Drive at 18th Street and proceed to the cenotaph at Memorial Park, located between 19th Street and 20th Street, where the ceremony will be held.

Veterans and active military personnel are being offered free transit and ferry rides on Nov. 11. TransLink, B.C. Transit and TransLink have all waived fares that day for anyone who rides in uniform or presents military identification.
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