Storm Watch: Ottawa records snowiest day since 2016, closing schools, vaccine clinics, highways

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Jan 18, 2022 • 13 minutes ago • 8 minute read • Join the conversation
A blizzard dumped nearly 50 cm of snow on Ottawa as of Monday evening, forcing schools, postal services and even some roads and vaccine clinics to close as gusting winds reduced visibility and made driving conditions treacherous.
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Snow began to fall early Monday and continued into the evening hours, but it tapered off compared to the early morning hours, prompting Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to issue a blizzard warning, but later to downgrade it to a winter storm warning.
Ottawa residents may be waiting until Tuesday to see their neighbourhood streets cleared of snow, as city crews work to manage the aftermath of the major winter storm — the city’s worst since February 2016, according to local weather historian Rolf Campbell, who tweets as @YOW_Weather. The storm had unloaded 46 cm of snow on the city as of 3 p.m.
“We want to make sure that residents are aware that it is going to take time. It’s a very challenging and difficult event, and it will take days for us to clean it up,” Quentin Levesque, acting director of roads and parking services, told reporters at a noon media briefing.
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The storm on Monday delayed a first day of in-person learning for elementary and secondary school students, shut down Ottawa Public Health vaccination clinics and has City of Ottawa crews rallying for a clean-up effort that could take days . A winter parking ban was called from 7 p.m. Monday until 7 p.m. Tuesday. All branches of the Ottawa Public Library are closed on Monday.
Also, Canada Post suspended mail delivery for the day in Eastern and Southern Ontario as well as the Greater Toronto Area because of the storm. The Crown corporation encouraged Ontarians to clear any ice from the path to their mailbox to ensure a safe path for mail carriers when they resume delivering.
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As for full clean up, the city is targeting mid- to late in the week, with snow removal activities following the initial plowing and treatment of sidewalk and roadways.
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The blizzard, which prompted the city to declare a “significant weather event” and jettison its regular timelines for responding to a snowfall, will create “significant costs” and put pressure on the city’s winter maintenance budget, said Levesque.
These budgets are based on a “normal winter,” considering three- to five-year averages, and this event was certainly a break from the norm. While no cost estimate was available at the time, Levesque said they’ll have a better sense for that number as they near the end of the storm clean-up.
Unlike other sectors grappling with staff shortages, the spread of Omicron in Ottawa has not affected the city’s ability to respond to this storm, Levesque told reporters. Staffing levels are currently normal, and according to roads and parking services director Alain Gonthier, all staff and contractors working for the city are in compliance with its mandatory vaccination policy.
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Residents were asked not to shovel snow onto the road when they clear their own driveways, and if possible, to clear their catch basins. Help uncovering fire hydrants would also be appreciated, said transportation committee chair Tim Tierney.
And don’t forget to clear your hot water tank and furnace vents — snow can accumulate around them and create a safety risk.
The storm proved challenging for anyone commuting to work, including at local hospitals, which are already grappling with COVID-related staffing issues.
At the Ottawa Heart Institute, some staff members were only able to drive part way to work before getting stuck, said Dr. Hassan Mir, a cardiologist.
“I’m lucky. I live close enough that I looked outside and said, ‘No. I’m walking today,’” Mir said.
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“But some of my colleagues here, they literally had to leave their cars at the side of the road and walk into work. Then they called on their families to figure out what to do with the car because there is already significant shortages from COVID in the hospital. It’s been a crazy day for us as well.”
For local shelter and day program providers, the snowstorm is another challenge on the heels of a cold snap that sent temperatures plummeting and pandemic-relating pressures on their ability to offer beds and support to Ottawans in need.
“I think all the shelters are on the edge of capacity at all times lately, especially with physical distancing, where capacity meant one thing pre-COVID, but it means another thing when you’re also trying to have some appropriate distancing,” said Caroline Cox, spokesperson for Shepherds of Good Hope
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“We’ve just been in constant communication between the shelters and the city with Omicron, with the freezing cold, then the snowstorm just trying to make sure everybody has a place to be.”
To make sure anyone who wants a shelter space has access to one, the city opened a temporary overnight shelter at the Tom Brown arena last week, which continues to offer respite services during the day, and has had its operations extended from five to seven days a week.
The stakes are high, notes Aileen Leo, director of communications at The Ottawa Mission. Sleeping outside in extreme winter conditions “can be very dangerous.” Just last week, a 74-year-old man in Montreal living in an encampment was found dead, with hypothermia believed to be the cause.
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Rachel Robinson, Anglican day program executive director at The Well, St. Luke’s Table, and Centre 454, said late Monday morning that they were doing their absolute best to keep their programs open, expecting some staff to be unable to get to work, but would keep reviewing their situation throughout the day and could possibly close early.
Some of their clients who are housed will choose to stay home — and people with mobility issues will be stuck there, Robinson noted — while others, including those living outside already, will venture over on foot.
“We are always very concerned, very concerned when it’s cold,” said Robinson, reflecting on the recent stretch of frigid temperatures and frostbite warnings. She said her organization took additional steps to support people during the cold spell, such as providing gift cards so people could get something from Tim Horton’s, or holding on to their belongings, as that’s often a reason people won’t go into a local shelter.
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In-person classes were cancelled on what was supposed to be the first day back at school for students in all four Ottawa school boards and the Upper Canada District School Board. On-campus instruction was also cancelled at Algonquin College.
‘You don’t see these rates often’The snow began to fall around 1 a.m. and would continue to do so until about 6 p.m., with some flurries continuing until 9 p.m., said David Phillips, senior climatologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada.
This storm would break no records, Phillips added, recalling a 2016 snowfall that dumped more than 50 cm of snow on Ottawa.
“What’s notable about this storm,” he said, “is the intensity, the rate of fall. You don’t see these rates often. What we’re seeing is anything between four to six centimetres an hour. It’s hard to keep up with that.
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“Another indication of that is when you look at the visibility. In Ottawa at 9 o’clock this morning, (visibility) was 0.2 of a kilometre. I mean, 200 metres; you couldn’t see very far. It just gives you an indication of how much is falling and how quickly it’s falling in a short period of time.”
Strong winds, 30 km/h, gusting up to 60 km/h, were also among the blizzard-like conditions that drivers were reporting on the roads.
Although it worsened driving conditions, closed roads and kept many Ottawans homebound, the snow also blanketed ski hills and snowshoe trails and, to Phillips, provided a psychological boost and welcome distraction.
“It gets our mind off the pandemic and thinking of other things,” he said with a laugh. “We’re good at talking about the weather as Canadians and now that’s the big buzz. I haven’t heard the word pandemic once today. I’m happy about that. What’s Omicron? Forget it. I’d rather have blizzards and whiteouts.”
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With roads still impassible, CAA North and East Ontario was doing 110 “rescues” of motorists an hour in the Ottawa-Kingston-Cornwall catchment area Monday, according to figures reported by president and CEO Jeff Walker. The service was taking 200 calls an hour.
Most of the calls were from motorists who landed in the ditch with 60 crashes reported on Highway 416 towards Kemptville as of midday.
With the deep freeze this week, the service was already slammed with more than 10,000 calls — the most in two years — peaking at 222 calls per hour.
The service was expecting another heavy call day Tuesday.
Just before 5 p.m., Ottawa police said there had been 48 reported accidents in the city since 5 a.m.
East Region OPP warned just before 9:30 a.m. that Highway 7 was closed in both directions between Ottawa and Kaladar due to poor visibility and weather conditions.
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It reopened later in the afternoon, between Ottawa and Kaladar.
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Multiple vehicles were blocking Highway 7 between Kaladar and Perth, which was closed due to “treacherous” conditions, with clean-up crews trying to tow them away, Lennox and Addington OPP warned.
Stranded motorists were advised to stay in their vehicles until rescuers arrive and to call the OPP’s non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122 with a description of their location. It’s “absolutely essential” to keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow.
“In some cases, motorists may want to pool resources and spend time in one vehicle which can be kept warm by running the heater,” the OPP said.
As of about 10 a.m., Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry OPP had already responded to several vehicles that landed in the ditch including a fatal collision, East Region OPP said.
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“Visibility is poor, roads are slippery, avoid unnecessary travel, Don’t risk your life.”
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Meanwhile, south of Ottawa, Grenville OPP officers were helping with a road closure on the southbound Highway 416 so that a snowplow could be towed out of the ditch. “If the plows are having a hard time, you will too,” East Region OPP said.
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Skies are expected to clear Tuesday morning as the temperature holds steady near -16 C with a wind chill of -24 in the morning and -19 in the afternoon.
Periods of snow and a low of -20 C are forecast for Tuesday night.
Snow is expected Wednesday with a forecast high of -2 C and a low of -19 C.
Thursday and Friday are expected to be sunny with highs of -18 C and -15 C and lows of -27 C and -18 C.
GALLERY: If you stayed indoors on Monday, here’s a look at the very snowy day outside.Story continues below
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