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High wind warning in effect

High wind warning in effect
Regardless of thunderstorms, wind gusts will still exceed 40 mph today and could hit around 60 mph in some areas.

A few scattered showers or storms will be possible this afternoon as a cold front moves through.

It will be extremely windy today.

Current wind alerts:

  • High wind warning for the metro and eastern Virginia. Wind gusts of 40 to 60 mph possible.
  • Wind advisory north and west of Richmond. Wind gusts up to 45 mph possible.
  • High wind warning in far western Virginia. Wind gusts 45 to 65 mph possible.

Very strong wind gusts could bring some trees down today due to the saturated soils. This may result in power outages.Skies will clear later this afternoon. Highs will warm into the lower 50s northwest to near 70 in far southeastern Virginia.

WATCH NOW: Live look at radar, current conditions across Virginia

Flood warnings are in effect for the James, Nottoway, Meherrin and Appomattox rivers. More information on current levels, flood stages, and forecast stages can be found here.

Tonight will be breezy and colder. Lows will be in the 20s to lower 30s.Monday will be mostly sunny with highs in the low to mid 40s. Lows at night will be in the 20s.

Tuesday will be partly cloudy with highs in the mid 40s.

We continue to watch a potential major winter storm for Wednesday into Wednesday night.

The energy for this system is still in the eastern Pacific, so many of the details on the track and possible snowfall amounts will change a lot in the coming days. There does appear to be a high chance of significant snowfall across a good chunk of central Virginia.

The computer models continue to vary on whether we will see any wintry mix, and how far north that would extend. Many times, as the storms approach our area, they shift a bit northwestward, which causes a changeover to a mix and cuts down on snow accumulation.

However, the latest computer models from overnight into this morning are suggesting this event may stay mainly snow. We will have further updates the next few days as the storm moves into the data network in the western U.S., which will put more useful information into the computer models. Precision on exact amounts will come into better focus.

It will stay cold into next weekend.

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