Wind warning issued across mainland Nova Scotia

It’s a windy start to the day in Halifax and across much of Nova Scotia.
A wind warning was issued just before 5 a.m. by Environment Canada.
The warning, in effect for all of mainland Nova Scotia, called for winds gusting up to 90 km/h on Thursday morning.
“Loose objects may be tossed by the wind and cause injury or damage,” the national forecaster wrote. “High winds may result in power outages and fallen tree branches.”
As of 8 a.m. Thursday more than 20,000 Nova Scotia Power customers were without power. Two large outages in the Halifax area, impacting parts of Bedford, Hammonds Plains and Upper Tantallon, were affecting more than 5,000 customers.
Meantime in Cape Breton, a Les Suêtes wind warning was in effect from Margaree Harbour to Bay St. Lawrence, calling for wind gusts up to 120 km/h into Thursday afternoon.